Saturday, July 12, 2008

Many Hands Make Light Work

April and I were touched and filled with gratitude for the generous help extended to us today by our friends from church. They arrived this morning about 9 a.m. to help us move the big items from our home. Without their help I would have broken my back trying to move the washer, dryer, refrigerator, loveseat, and more. What would have taken me at least a full day of toil was accomplished in only an hour with the help of our ward family and the elders.
Tim even brought doughnuts! And Linda Odom baked a delicous cake. What more could we have hoped for?
We truly love our friends here and the thought of leaving this area tugs at our heart strings. We have so many good friends who have helped us to grow and heal. We will miss them all.
Here's a few pictures to remember the occasion.
The "boys" making a decision

Tim standing guard

Moving a heavy load

Jerry and Buck being busy

Scott and "the girls"

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